Phase and breaker finder in a water resistant box. Plug the Breaker Buster in to two separate outlets and if the green light comes on you are on separate circuits! Usually one end is plugged into the end of a power cord so you can try different locations before you plug in your carpet cleaning equipment, dehumidifiers, in line water heater,... Helps avoid tripping breakers on dual cord machines or when using accessories like an (Rotovac) or separate electric heater. No light means on same phase or breaker. Fully lit means different breakers on different phases (this is what you want.) Great for multi-corded carpet cleaning machine, carpet cleaning heaters, power wands, running large dehumidifiers. No guarantee on shade or color of materials used for the build, but usually gray, brown, or black Compare to current or past OEM associations: Edic 989CS SBMWAX-49 AX49 (round housing) AX68 (flat square housing) 1623-2718 121273 HYDR-PTS-AX68 20131106 (water resistant box housing) All sales final on this item. None returnable. Blending the power of your two power corded portable carpet cleaning machine.