Clean Storm ByPass Carpet Cleaning Upgrade Conversion Kit
Convert any standard carpet cleaning wand to pressure side bypass for use with truckmounts that do not have exact temperature control.
Installs between brass coupler and valve, drill hole in side of vacuum pipe and insert hose in hole (cut to fit)
Includes the parts below in the build:
Clean Storm ByPass Carpet Cleaning Upgrade Conversion Kit 20151023 [20151023] Steambrite's Valves Kits & Repair Parts - Clean Storm ByPass Carpet Cleaning Upgrade Conversion Kit 20151023 [20151023] is .
If you can find a lower advertised price on the Clean Storm ByPass Carpet Cleaning Upgrade Conversion Kit 20151023 [20151023] - 20151023,contact us at 210-662-9000, and we will beat their price! Guaranteed!
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