The Amazing Emerson Automation Solutions Final Control Kunkle Vacuum Relief Air Valve can double the performance of your truckmount. Run longer lengths of hose, and dry carpets faster. Get your carpet cleaner (because the water you leave in the carpet is just as dirty as it is in the waste tank) the less water on the carpet is cleaner carpet.
Compare to current or past OEM associations:
Formerly Pentair Tyco Valve 215VH01-AQE0014,
MasterBlend 730025 Air Break,
Kunkle PRVX KUN 215VH01-AQE-14
2 inch Pipe thread.
Cash, Penberthy, and Yarway steam Trap Valve.
The problem with spring loaded vacuum relief valves, is as you add more hose length the air restriction causes the industry standard valve to start to compress the spring and leak air into your waste tank. Once you place the wand on the carpet, even more air leaks into the waste tank.
Not with the Pentair Truckmount Vacuum Relief Air valve. It keeps the valve completely closed until it reaches 14" HG of vacuum. Then the valve opens all the way. When the vacuum falls below 14" HG, the valve closes again. A #45 blower can operate up to 700 ft of hose and performs just like a #56 blower.
Dry times are cut in half.
Valve mounts to any 2" Mip thread. Usually installs on a "T" fitting right where the vacuum hose barbed fitting screws into the top or side of the waste tank. Once you mount our valve to your machine, just tighten up the spring on your old vacuum relief valve to prevent leakage.

This Kunkle valve comes standard on all MasterBlend El Diablo Truckmounts and can be added to any truckmount with a twin cylinder hp engine that has extra horse power left over in the design.
Example: 30 hp with a 47 blower is not OK, while a 34 Hp with a 47 blower is OK.
The 30 hp already bogs the engine when it is loaded with heavy vacuum work.
a 15 hp with a 36 bower is not OK
a 18 hp with a 36 blower is not OK, while a 20 hp with a 36 blower is OK
a 20 hp with a 45 blower is not OK while a 25 hp with a 45 blower is OK, but 27 would be better.
a 13 hp single cylinder with a 33 blower is not OK, while a 16 hp twin cylinder engine with a 33 blower is OK.
Air travel is inbound on male side and outbound on female side. Add 2" drilled pvc cap to adjust performance (important- not included in price)
Add Lasco 2" Fip PVC Cap for Truckmount Knuckle Vacuum Relief Air Valve
Cap can be drilled with four 11/32" holes plus one 7/16" hole in center when used with a 45 truckmount blower. Adjust hole sizes based on cfm rating of your blower.
One 3/8 hole in the center and Four 5/16 holes around it and got 14 inches of lift with 150, 100 and 50 foot of two inch hose. The idle was set at 3000 rpm with a 35 hsp vangaurd engine with a 4007 blower.
Emerson Automation Solutions Final Control Truckmount Kunkle Vacuum Relief Air Valve 215VH01-AQE0014 730025 Air Brake [730025] Steambrite's Truck Mount Accessories - Emerson Automation Solutions Final Control Truckmount Kunkle Vacuum Relief Air Valve 215VH01-AQE0014 730025 Air Brake [730025] is .
If you can find a lower advertised price on the Emerson Automation Solutions Final Control Truckmount Kunkle Vacuum Relief Air Valve 215VH01-AQE0014 730025 Air Brake [730025] - 730025,contact us at 210-662-9000, and we will beat their price! Guaranteed!
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