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Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671]

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Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671]
Steambrite's Dust Collectors - Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671].
If you can find a lower advertised price on the Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671] - 201000671, contact us at 210-662-9000,
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 Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor 

T4000 is one of the newest members of Ermator's T-line. The 230V, 3-phase motor provides 280CFM and 125” of water lift. The high water lift secures high suction secures high suction power to small and mid-size, low voltage concrete grinders, scarifiers, saws and shot blasters.

The T4000 features a large pre-filtration surface, long lasting suction power and low filter cost. Individually tested and certified HEPA filters provide a safe environment for the operator and other job site workers.

Like all Ermator vacuums, T4000 is equipped with drop down disposal, Longopac collection system, JetPulse filter cleaning and a manometer.

T4000 HEPA EXTRACTOR Specifications

CFM 280
Pre-filter  Conical Polyester 27 sq. ft.
HEPA filter  18 sq. ft.
Waterlift 125"
HP 8
Amps 21 total / 7 amps per leg
Weight (lb) 185 lbs.
Volts 230V, 3-phase


16,000 vacuum units

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T 4000

See How This HEPA Vacuum Performance Compares To The Top 70 Hepa Vacuums On The Market. Comparison Chart HERE.

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Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671]
Steambrite's Dust Collectors - Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671] is .
If you can find a lower advertised price on the Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671] - 201000671,contact us at 210-662-9000,
and we will beat their price! Guaranteed!

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This product was added to our store on Thursday 06 February, 2014.
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Steambrite will ship the Husqvarna 201000671 Pullman Ermator T4000 Hepa 3 Phase 230 Volt Dust Collector Extractor T 4000 814228020081 [201000671] by either Fedex or Freight Quote, and are normally shipped within 1-10 working days. Please remember it takes 6-8 working days for you to receive your order after shipment, and ground shipping times are not guaranteed. Next day and two day service are available. Click here for our full shipping policy. Specifications subject to change without notice.
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