4 Pack G127-17 17″ Bonnet Pads for T-Rex™ [G127-17]
4 Pack of 17″ microfiber bonnet pads for use with T-Rex™ Rotary Extractor.
These high quality bonnet pads are extremely durable and absorbent.

For use with the following machine:
Mytee T-rex Total Rotary Extractor 15"

Mytee G127-17 17″ 4 Pack Bonnet Pads for Mytee T-Rex™ [G127-17] [G127-17] Steambrite's Bonnets & Bonnet Holders - Mytee G127-17 17″ 4 Pack Bonnet Pads for Mytee T-Rex™ [G127-17] [G127-17] is .
If you can find a lower advertised price on the Mytee G127-17 17″ 4 Pack Bonnet Pads for Mytee T-Rex™ [G127-17] [G127-17] - G127-17,contact us at 210-662-9000, and we will beat their price! Guaranteed!
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