Do you own an old Panther Truckmount that fits this description that you would like to sell?
Does your Panther truckmount break down a lot? We will place a photo of your used Panther Truckmount for free on this website. Just email us a photo, age, hour reading, warranty info, any accessories that are included, how you would like to handle shipping, and all your contact information. This ad has a $100 value and is limited to used Panther Truckmounts Only. The add will stay on-line until it sells and you email us to remove it.
Please note that we are NOT giving away a free used truckmount. We are simply offering to help you sell yours and waiving the $50. fee for building the webpage.
•Compact Size: 36"L x 20"W, Weight: 450 lbs.
Panther's compact size and lightweight allow easy installation in any small 1/2 ton-related van or truck with plenty of room for extra tools and equipment.
•Continuous Heat: Temperature: 230º F
This work-saving continuous 230ºF supply of water is provided by state-of-the-art 100%stainless steel dual heat exchange system. Cut costs by eliminating dangerous LP gas or fuel.
•Powerful Vacuum System:
The Root™ 4.7MP Positive Displacement Rotary Lobes vacuum blowers produce over 18 inches of mercury and 542 CFM. The Panther 27's powerful Roots™ blower, in combination with a constant supply of 230º F water, dramatically reduces carpet-drying time. Operating vacuum hose length maximum 600 feet.
•Power by KOHLER™ Command Engine 27 Horse Power
The fuel efficient Command Twins™ are designed to meet strict emission standards. In addition, quiet dB (A) sound power levels help OEM's comply with worldwide noise regulations.
The KOHLER™ Command 27 is the finest twin cylinder OHV air-cooled engine that money can buy, and with a service network of over 10,000 dealers worldwide, it's the best-backed engine on the market today.
•High Pressure Pump: CAT™ 3 Piston Pump 2700 PSI
•Includes 100 Gallon all 100% Stainless Steel Recovery Tank with a Lifetime Warranty.
•Weight: Panther 27, 450 lbs. Recovery Tank, 120 lbs.
See also the: Panther 15, Panther 18, Panther 20, Panther 25, Panther 27.
Sell Your Used Panther 27HP Truck mount [Panther 27] Steambrite's ChemTex Truck Mounts - Sell Your Used Panther 27HP Truck mount [Panther 27] is .
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